Sunday, January 31, 2010


Before the main service at First Presbyterian of Augusta I attend a Bible study in a separate building across the street. Today we arrived slightly early and I was the only one in the room for a few minutes and I took this picture. The message this week was on sound doctrine out of First Timothy 1. The first point was the root of doctrine, or "What principles lie behind your decisions?" Secondly the fruit of doctrine, or "How is your relationship with others characterized?" And lastly the pursuit of doctrine, "The resolve to follow God at any cost." After the study I cross the street and go upstairs for the service. We always sit in the balcony. Today the church was packed and even though it was cold outside it was real hot inside. I had trouble staying awake.

The other thing we do on Sunday is haircuts. Everyone must have a fresh haircut, in regulation, by the first formation of the week. Here one of the "barracks butchers" is giving a haircut.
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Rachel said...

Very cool! Thanks for posting! What did he shave into the back of that guy's head?

Steven said...

I want to know too.